Thursday, May 22, 2008

All tuckered out

I guess the weekend was to long for Ryan. One minute he is playing with Legos, and the next He is sound a sleep on the couch with his blanket. Of course Princess found this to be the perfect opportunity to snuggle. She makes a great nap partner. I know that the photo opps with Ryan and his blanket are getting fewer and fewer, so I have to snap some photos while I can. I'm not sure who will miss the blanket more, Ryan or me. He looks so cute!!!!!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Jumpin Good Time

Abbey celebrated her "7"th birday at jump on in in Nashua. It was a great jumpin time. She got lots of Hannah Montana stuff, and had a wonderful time with her friends. We love b-days at jump on in.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

This years Mother's day was a perfect as it gets. I slept till 11 am (can you imagine). Paul and the kids gave me a Life is good bag and a Red Sox keychain. We had breakfast at Parker's Maple barn. The 1 hour wait was woth every bite. The kids played on the trails, we sat on the wooden swings. The sun was shining, and the lilacs are in full bloom. How much better does it get? I am a lucky lady to have such a wonerful hubby and such great kids. Happy mother's day to me.